Objective: To provide anatomical basis for diagnose and treatment of roots avulsion of brachial plexus.
目的: 研究臂丛椎管内前后根的显微解剖,为臂丛撕脱伤的诊治提供解剖学基础.
互联网Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of butorphanol preemptive analgesia on brachial plexus block with ropivacaine.
互联网Brachial plexus deficits with and without shoulder dystocia . [ comment ] .
臂丛赤字和无肩 难产.
互联网Fig. 1 - 3 Anatomical relations of brachial plexus when limb is hyperabducted.
图 1-3 当上肢过度外展时臂丛神经局部解剖关系.
互联网Brachial plexus block is a peripheral nerve block.
互联网The most common injury is brachial plexus palsy, often caused by shoulder dystocia.
最常见的产伤是臂麻痹, 通常因肩难产引起.
互联网Objective: To investigate the value of the electrophysiological examination in diagnosis of brachial plexus injury patients.
摘要目的: 探讨电生理检查对臂丛神经损伤的诊断价值.
互联网Objective To explore the clinical effects of brachial plexus block of three different local anesthetic.
互联网Objective To provide morphological basis for free gracilis muscle transplantation to manage brachial plexus injuries.
互联网Objective To explore the values of electromyography to examine obstetric brachial plexus palsy ( OBPP ).
目的探讨神经肌 电图 评估分娩性臂丛神经损伤的临床价值.
互联网Objective : To study a useful and practical method for three - dimensional reconstruction of brachial plexus inferior trunk.
目的: 探索一种臂丛神经下干计算机三维重建的实用方法.
互联网Objective : To summarize and analyze the risk factors, characteristics and types of obstetric brachial plexus palsy ( OBPP ).
目的: 总结分析发生分娩性臂 丛 神经损伤的多种危险因素及各种产伤性质及类型.
互联网Objective To report early treatment experiences and clinical classification of the brachial plexus palsy.
互联网The avulsion at root of brachial plexus may produce the disability of limb during life.
互联网So that judge the position and degree and prognosis obstetric brachial plexus palsy.
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